A Radical Learning Platform

We are a social enterprise that provides unique apps with best-in-class analytics to gauge the understanding & performance of our users based on cutting-edge research from the field of learning/expertise enriched with AI-based algorithms.

achieve.ai values

Our Values

  • We provide high value at the lowest cost to our users
  • We respect our commitments to our teammates
  • We put ourselves in the users' shoes
achieve.ai vision

Our Vision

Helping every hardworking student to be successful

achive.ai goal

Our Goal

By 2030, we will serve at least 50 different markets globally and over 2 million weekly active users.

Our Solution

Our Solution

"Get outside your comfort zone but do it in a focused way, with clear goals, a plan for reaching those goals, and a way to monitor your progress. Oh, and figure out a way to maintain your motivation."
- Anders Ericsson, Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise

Identify relative weaknesses

  • PrepDNA®- lagging indicator of relative performance
  • Automated Daily Tests

Motivate and form a community

  • StudyCircle - group study and motivation
  • Live Games

Strengthen weaknesses

  • EffortDNA - leading indicator of effort
  • Adaptive Deliberate Practice

Make it affordable

  • 30% Free Content - enabled by our low cost structure
  • Contribution-Driven Discounts

Drive Motivation

Preparation is hard, and it takes a lot to stay motivated. It requires discipline, goal setting, community support, and a bit of fun

Encourage Purposeful Practice

Succeeding against competition requires getting out of your comfort zone by purposefully practicing your weaker areas

Provide Personalized Feedback

Monitoring progress against goals and getting insights on how to improve gives the direction required to succeed

Always Be Affordable

Provide an option to get discounted or free access for those who can't afford to pay, even if it is at the cost of losing revenue

Always Be Efficient

Focus on making users be more effective with their preparation, even if it is at the cost of losing engagement

Always Be Analyzing

Collect data that enables better machine learning and predictive engine building, even if it is at the cost of losing short-term revenue

Why Choose Us

We have a set of exceptional features that allow us to provide a holistic learning experience


Your strength & weakness analysis on steroids, a map of your unique level of preparation, and a lagging indicator of relative performance. No two users will have the same PrepDNA, it tells you where you stand against your competition today and which concepts you need to master to mutate it enough to reach your goals.

Selection Guarantee

We have analyzed the performance of hundreds of thousands of users to develop PrepDNA®, a highly predictive proficiency evaluator, with a practice & revision methodology that never fails to deliver. Our certainty about its success made us launch our Selection Guarantee program, that gives a full refund if you don't get a top rank.


A leading indicator of your effort backed by solid learning/expertise research, based on 4 crucial components (focused practice on your weakest areas, revising older topics, completing daily revision and attempting daily tests).


An unprecented tool to gauge the difficulty of questions based on the relative performance/proficiency of other users. It highlights the real-time impact of attempting a question on your readiness index for your target exam.

High-quality MCQ database

A distinguished team of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are responsible for curating our questions, explanations, categorizations, etc. We also incorporate our users' contributions which serve as a safeguard and an additional level of quality check.

Daily Tests & Build Your Workout

We have a reputation for simulating real exams in the best possible way with our daily & weekly tests. Our "Build Your Workout" feature is renowned for practicing exactly what you want with filters such as exam, year, high-yield, difficulty, no-repeats, etc.

Guided Revision

Effectively guides you in revising the entire syllabus with 3 kinds of practice: Daily Revision (recent incorrect attempts), Focused Practice (on weaker subjects), Deep Revision (revise older subjects).


A useful tool to memorize essential facts by practicing information recall based on intelligent spaced repetition leveraging the research of the forgetting curve alongside high-yield content.

Study Circle

A one-of-a-kind feature that drives motivation through a close-knit group of friends who challenge each other and monitor each other's progress. They can discuss & chat within the app itself and receive updates on their circle's developments.


A community-driven section that allows all our users to have vibrant discourse about any doubts, problems, concerns, news, etc. We use this as a pulse check and regularly take inputs here from our users to work on new features.

Video Lessons

Focused learning without breaking the bank, our learning plans provide unlimited access to thousands of hours of top-notch videos curated specifically for your syllabus.

Weekly Report

We want micro & macro adjustments in your learning journey, so our weekly reports act as a high-level guide to course-correct your practice regimen to reach your target.